What is your interest?

It could be a hobby or an activity you participate in (or would like to start!) What are those things that you do in your free time that bring you joy? At Living Lord, we want to foster these groups to be opportunities where the community can gather together.

We would love to hear what you are interested in as we roll out more intrerest groups in the future. You can fill out our Interest group survey HERE!

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Games Interest Group

Members meet to share and play a variety of board and card games. Adults 18 and up.

Schedule: 3rd Saturday of the month at the church

Contact: Rick and Janeann Jones

Crafting Interest Group

Members get together to craft and socialize usually about once a month.

Schedule: Variable

Contact: Suzy Sellai and Charlene Ebert

Cycling Group

Members plan and participate in a variety of rides and events. 

Schedule: Events are planned throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall.

Contact: Ed Sellai

Hiking Group

Group members gathering as a community interested in hiking. They pick an adventure trail and then take off hiking.  

Contact: interestgroups@livinglord.org

Highland Mist Scottish Country Dance Group

Members meet to learn and perform various Scottish country dances.

Schedule: 3rd Saturday of the month. ·

Contact: Connie Bellinghausen

Softball Team

Join Living Lord’s Co-Ed softball team

Schedue: Spring/Summer Leagues

Contact: Dennis Bampton 

Travel Group

Group members gathering as a community interested in travel.

Schedule: Variable.

Contact: Louie Wray 


Recreational and leisurely visits to tourist destinations and places of interest. Close enough to make a round-trip within a day and does not require an overnight stay. Cost for gas, lunch, and possible destination entry fee is communicated prior to the trip.

Schedule: Usually third Wednesday of each month. Group meets to board the Church Bus at 10 a.m. If “Just Lunch” is scheduled that month, the group meets as determined at a local restaurant.

Contact: Roger Langendoerfer